Alberto Nebreda Pérez
Healthy and pathological aging
Phone number: (+34) 91 0679315
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alberto_Nebreda
I got my degree in Psychology, within the bilingual program, at Complutense University of Madrid, and I have an interuniversity master's degree in Methodology of Behavioural and Health Sciences. Currently, I am a PhD student at Complutense University of Madrid. I develop my work at the Laboratory of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience (LNCyC). My current formation as a student researcher is possible thanks to a PhD scholarship, granted by the Spanish Government (Formación de Profesorado Universitario; FPU).
I have been colaborating at the LNCyC since my third year in college, in projects related with the initial phases and progression of Alzheimer's Disease (AD), specifically in the field of electrophysiological biomarkers via magnetoencephalography (MEG). In my thesis, I continue this research line, studying functional connectivity patterns in asymptomatic, young relatives of patients of AD. More specifically, I am analysing the connectivity patterns that are active during the performance of a visual memory task. This work is part of a longitudinal study which strives to follow the same subjects from an early age, to discover predictive biomarkers that can be identified years before the onset of the symptoms.
de Frutos-Lucas, J., Cuesta, P., Ramirez-Toraño, F., Nebreda, A., Cuadrado-Soto, E., Peral-Suarez, Á., ... & López-Sobaler, A. M. (2020). Age and APOE genotype affect the relationship between objectively measured physical activity and power in the alpha band, a marker of brain disease.
Congress Participation
V Congreso Internacional en Contextos Psicológicos, Educativos y de Salud (2018)
IV Congreso Intermiembros de la Magnetoencefalografía (2019)
IV Human Brain Project Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research (2020)
Works pending to publish
Degree's Final Project about the effect of sequential bilingualism on cognitive decline.
Work in the framework of the scholarship for Research Promoting of the Autonoma University of Madrid (UAM), about individual change statistics.
Master's Final Project about Techniques for the Analysis of Missing Data using Multiple Imputation and pure Bayesian analysis.
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