Ángeles Correas
Senior researcher
Binge drinking
Phone number: (+34) 91 3364642
ORCID: 0000-0002-3518-4714
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BTN5kp4AAAAJ&hl=es
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Angeles_Correas
Ángeles Correas has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and after she completed a master's degree in cognitive neuropsychology (UCM) and a master's degree in Psychopharmacology (UCM). She carried out her doctoral thesis on the impact on the psychophysiological level of the consumption pattern "binge drinking". After obtaining a doctorate in Psychology (with international mention), she made a research stay for a year and a half at the University of San Diego, California (USA) where she continued with the same line of research. Currently she combines research activity with university teaching in Madrid.
Other research interests
Clinical neuroscience
This research line is focused on the clinical appliance of electrophysiological biomarkers. These biomarkers are developed by studying, with MEG and EEG, the electromagnetic brain activity of patients with neurological disorders. This line participates in the studies that involve patients with epilepsy, stroke, dementia, autism, or ADHD.
Main publications
- Antón-Toro LF, Bruña R, Suárez-Méndez I, Correas Á, García-Moreno LM, Maestú F. Abnormal organization of inhibitory control functional networks in future binge drinkers. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 01; 218:108401. PubMed ID: 33246710.
PDF file.
- You Y, Correas A, Jao Keehn RJ, Wagner LC, Rosen BQ, Beaton LE, Gao Y, Brocklehurst WT, Fishman I, Müller RA, Marinkovic K. MEG Theta during Lexico-Semantic and Executive Processing Is Altered in High-Functioning Adolescents with Autism. Cereb Cortex. 2021 Jan; 31(2):1116-1130. PubMed ID: 33073290.
- Correas A, Cuesta P, Rosen BQ, Maestu F, Marinkovic K. Compensatory neuroadaptation to binge drinking: Human evidence for allostasis. Addict Biol. 2021 05; 26(3):e12960. PubMed ID: 32885571.
- Correas A, López-Caneda E, Beaton L, Rodríguez Holguín S, García-Moreno LM, Antón-Toro LF, Cadaveira F, Maestú F, Marinkovic K. Decreased event-related theta power and phase-synchrony in young binge drinkers during target detection: An anatomically-constrained MEG approach. J Psychopharmacol. 2019 03; 33(3):335-346. PubMed ID: 30355025.
- Antón M, Rodríguez-González A, Rodríguez-Rojo IC, Pastor A, Correas Á, Serrano A, Ballesta A, Alén F, Gómez de Heras R, de la Torre R, Rodríguez de Fonseca F, Orio L. Increased plasma oleoylethanolamide and palmitoleoylethanolamide levels correlate with inflammatory changes in alcohol binge drinkers: the case of HMGB1 in women. Addict Biol. 2018 11; 23(6):1242-1250. PubMed ID: 29178411.
- Orio L, Antón M, Rodríguez-Rojo IC, Correas Á, García-Bueno B, Corral M, de Fonseca FR, García-Moreno LM, Maestú F, Cadaveira F. Young alcohol binge drinkers have elevated blood endotoxin, peripheral inflammation and low cortisol levels: neuropsychological correlations in women. Addict Biol. 2018 09; 23(5):1130-1144. PubMed ID: 28840951.
- López-Caneda E, Cadaveira F, Correas A, Crego A, Maestú F, Rodríguez Holguín S. The Brain of Binge Drinkers at Rest: Alterations in Theta and Beta Oscillations in First-Year College Students with a Binge Drinking Pattern. Front Behav Neurosci. 2017; 11:168. PubMed ID: 28959193.
- López-Caneda E, Rodríguez Holguín S, Correas Á, Carbia C, González-Villar A, Maestú F, Cadaveira F. Binge drinking affects brain oscillations linked to motor inhibition and execution. J Psychopharmacol. 2017 07; 31(7):873-882. PubMed ID: 28168896.
- Correas A, Cuesta P, López-Caneda E, Rodríguez Holguín S, García-Moreno LM, Pineda-Pardo JA, Cadaveira F, Maestú F. Functional and structural brain connectivity of young binge drinkers: a follow-up study. Sci Rep. 2016 08; 6:31293. PubMed ID: 27506835.
- Correas A, Rodriguez Holguín S, Cuesta P, López-Caneda E, García-Moreno LM, Cadaveira F, Maestú F. Exploratory Analysis of Power Spectrum and Functional Connectivity During Resting State in Young Binge Drinkers: A MEG Study. Int J Neural Syst. 2015 May; 25(3):1550008. PubMed ID: 25753601.
- Coullaut-Valera R, Arbaiza I, Bajo R, Arrúe R, López ME, Coullaut-Valera J, Correas A, López-Sanz D, Maestu F, Papo D. Drug polyconsumption is associated with increased synchronization of brain electrical-activity at rest and in a counting task. Int J Neural Syst. 2014 Feb; 24(1):1450005. PubMed ID: 24344693.
PDF file.
Other publications
López-Caneda,E., Cadaveira, F., Correas, A., Crego, A., Maestú, F., Rodríguez Holguín, S. (2017). PO2-4 THE BRAIN OF BINGE DRINKERS AT REST: RESTING-STATE EEG CHARACTERISTICS AS ASSESSED BY EXACT LOW-RESOLUTION ELECTROMAGNETIC TOMOGRAPHY (eLORETA), Alcohol and Alcoholism, Volume 52, Issue suppl_1, October 2017, Pages i31–i49, https://doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agx074.14
Arbaiza, I., Coullaut-Valera, R., Correas, Á., Coullaut-Valera, J., & Bajo, R. (2017). Diferencias de personalidad y síndromes clínicos en el drogodependiente: variables relevantes con el tipo de consumo y la adherencia al tratamiento. Rev. esp. drogodepend, 57-69.
Orío, L., Antón, M., Rodríguez-Rojo, I. C., Correas, Á., García-Bueno, B., Corral, M., ... & Cadaveira, F. (2017). Young alcohol binge drinkers show immune/inflammatory alterations with higher susceptibility in women: Correlations with neuropsychological abilities. Alcohol, 100(60), May 2017, pag 243, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.alcohol.2017.02.358
Maestú F.; Pereda E.; del Pozo F.; (Eds.). Afectación de las redes funcionales por el consumo de drogas. 2015. Elsevier (ISBN: 978-84-9022-525-7).
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